Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Issues affecting contemporary society

I have done my Info graphic this way to show these issues have been around for ages and they will likely be with us for a long time. The words are surrounding the world because the importance of an issue is dependent on the person.

Issues facing contemporary society

I have done my Info graphic this way to show these issues have been around for ages and they will likely be with us for a long time. The words are surrounding the world because the importance of an issue is dependent on the person.


Posted: June 23, 2013 in Uncategorized

After Meeting with my client and talking about relay for life. I need to design posters and link up 2 facebook sites

Client Project 2

Posted: June 23, 2013 in Uncategorized

For my second client project, I have sent a letter to Werner telling him why I should be able to do the client for Relay For Life. Due to me going to Queensland and not having enough time to find one.


Posted: May 30, 2013 in Being Professional, Uncategorized


I was started by dividing the work evenly, everyone got 5 questions to do. I struggled because I felt I didn’t have enough time to read through pages of information and changing it to my own words. But because we were a good team brendan did one of my questions and Stefan worked on the info graphic.

I did learn lot especially watching the other group present. Such as fair use laws, where by you can use other peoples work if it is for:



Posted: April 29, 2013 in Uncategorized

How to present my game

Posted: April 7, 2013 in Uncategorized

For my game about voting I am going to use the same basic interface but hide a lot of things to make the game less bios.
I realised that while playing game I was wanting to side with obama more then romeny.

I will also find, simpler but other information on the Australian government for mine. I would like to info the player more.

What is creativity?

Posted: April 4, 2013 in Uncategorized

creativity is the result of a problem with multiple solutions and/or answers

Creative ideas

Posted: March 17, 2013 in Uncategorized

Games Testing

Posted: March 11, 2013 in Games Development, Uncategorized

I red the brief. and Now it is game testing time.
after I got 5 art students to play the game. there feedback was disturbing. they thought wow that is cool but didn’t see much aim in the game. no instruction or end result where really give to make the player use the game to its full portental. other feed back included not being able to change the colour well enough and there was no back button. Shot 2013-03-12 at 4.50.21 PM