Archive for the ‘Games Development’ Category

Games development Timeline

Posted: March 26, 2013 in Games Development

Games development Timeline

Political game

Posted: March 24, 2013 in Games Development

So after surveying people. They mainly said
– They don’t completely understand the topic of Government.
– Game is easy and simple.
– Taught them a lot about the american government.
– Sider could be more accurate.
– The exit sign is in a bad position.
– Doesn’t take into account if the player is a democrat or republican.

How to improve the game
– frequently Updated questions
– use this as a template for other governments
– mode that hides who picked what

The game is based on finding out whom is the better candidate to vote for. Obama or Romney. by agreeing or disagreeing with a statement which separates Obama and Romney.

Candidate match
it is a very basic game. there are little graphics and you have to pick a statement about an issue that you agree with more to go to the next slide. Once you have done that 11 times. You are either giving a suggested candidate. The only graphics are cartoons of the Candidates
out of the 11 questions 4 are about the economy, 1 is about retirement, 2 are about military and the last 4 are about hot topics

Candidate match 2
The game becomes a lot more graphical, haveing a percentage and an image of the candidate that will fill more of the screen depending on who is winning due to your picks.The images are blue and red backgrounds with black vectors of the candidates.
all the questions on the one screen. you pick on the topic and you press agree or disagree with the statement. there is also a button called no opinion. you are able to see what they said and scale how important that statement is too you.The scale can give up to 1 extra vote to an area.

By seeing what they said you can have a better understanding of both sides of the coin. there is also a short context which informs you on what the statement means.

there are 14 questions, they very on hot topics. if there is a tie in the candidates you get told you are a Swing voter. once you have finished you will see who is an ideal candidate for you to vote for. share it on one of the social nextworking sites.

The next game

Posted: March 17, 2013 in Games Development

Games Testing

Posted: March 11, 2013 in Games Development, Uncategorized

I red the brief. and Now it is game testing time.
after I got 5 art students to play the game. there feedback was disturbing. they thought wow that is cool but didn’t see much aim in the game. no instruction or end result where really give to make the player use the game to its full portental. other feed back included not being able to change the colour well enough and there was no back button. Shot 2013-03-12 at 4.50.21 PM

After getting my 3rd idea rejected. I finally read the brief correctly. I was jumping the game trying to create my own game instead of researching an already made game. on a game is defined as “an activity that one engages in for amusement”

so I am researching art and design students opinion on a game called geosketch 2. The game teaches geometry and angles. The game may also give inspirational shapes to art students.

My pervious Idea of the eye controlled argument reality was a bust due to it not existing and Step one of the brief mentioning to researching an existingThis new idea is to encourage use of a dairy and being organised. It is an online dairy that rewards you for using and completing projects. You place in a due date and a start date.once the due date has happened you get a score. then with your score you can design your online dairy with new covers, stickers and other prizes to customise your look to suit you. This will be an improvement on current app dairies and will give the students purpose to use it.

Designing Games

Posted: February 28, 2013 in Games Development

Although I am not sure if it is around but Werner’s story about his friend mark got to me. being in a weaken state, lying in bed with nothing to do except wait for death. I am thinking of a basic concept that could be a big thing.

when finding out your going to leave this world you want to enjoy your favourite places once more. Such as go to france or go for a walk down to the park. So my invention is new development on augmented reality. that will allow you desired place come to you. a motion detector and a screen that follows your eyes and lets you look around.

the way to make this possible and to describe the product more, It will work like this. using a high resolution camera, getting footage of walking down the street. In the photo below this is what the area in the red box is what the user can see. if they move there eyes the red box moves. The aim is to give the user the feel that they are walking/driving down the street and can look around like they normally do. if this works it will give the user to the ability to see the world from there bed.

This week I am going to go and study…
a) has this idea been done
b) What technology for eye following is out there?
c) what patients would this be targeted at?
d) types of lens to make this idea better.