Archive for the ‘Client Work’ Category

Statements to Objectives

Posted: March 20, 2013 in Client Work

Defining Campaign Objectives
1) what are the objectives and how can we measure this goal?

2) Will this be possible to do given the time or budget?

3) What consumers’ responses would be ideal before or after the due date of the project?

4) Do the project objectives meet legal and ethical requirements?

Prepare an advertising budget
1) What assets and quality of assets will I have available?

2) what limitations to display options are there?

3) Are there any limits on required creativity or production services that must be specified?

4) are all components of the campaign justified within relevant termrs to achieve goals and aims?

5) is there an overall budget (or for time) plan that meet the requirements of the advertising brief?

Develop a schedule for the proposed advertising activities
1) is the length and timing confirmed from the advertising brief?

2) a&b)

a)what service providers with the required expertise have been identified?

b) have their cost and availability been negotiated?


a) have the choice of service provider been based on merit and value for money?

b) do they meet the legal and ethical requirements?

4) is the time allowed in the schedule allowing to meet media and production requirements sufficient enough to achieve the advertising objectives?

5) Does the schedule include milestones for monitoring progress and expenditure against budgets and evaluating campaign effectiveness?

is it explain that the campaign will become non violent if there is no interaction or communication with the client before the decide date.

Internal client

Posted: March 6, 2013 in Client Work

The Client that I have chosen is Kate Kent Evans. Whom is the director of Kiosc. I have given her my Business card “2thebig screen” and will hear back from her within the next week.

Things she was talking about me doing possibly is for the new interactive. an  interactive drag and drop. Or possibly an advertisement for a Dinosaur exhibition that will happen within the the next semester.

Brendan may be working with kiosk as well.

Defining Campaign Objectives
1) What are the campaign objectives, the nature and to what event is to be accomplished by the advertising?
2) Will/have the campaign objectives be feasible given the constraints of the time budget product and market factors?
3) Do the campaign objectives take into consideration factors which may affect consumer response?
4) Do the campaign objectives meet legal and ethical requirements?
Prepare an advertising budget
1) What resource requiremtns for the advertising campaign are assessed and specified?
2) Will/have the resource requirements for a range of media options be assessed and specified?
3) What resource requirements and production services for the campaign are assessed and specified?
4) Will/have the resources allocated to each component of the advertising campaign be justified and sufficient in relevant terms to achieve the campaign objectives?
5) Will/have the overall budget meet the requirements of the advertising brief?
Develop a schedule for the proposed advertising activities
1) what length and timing was confirmed from the advertising brief?
a) What service providers with the required expertise have been identified?
b) Have their cost and availability been negotiated?
a) Have the choice of service provider been based on merit and value for money?
b) Do they meet the legal and ethical requirements?
4) is the time allowed in the schedule allow to meet creative media and production requirements  sufficient enough to achieve the advertising objectives?
5) Does the schedule include milestones for monitoring progress and expenditure against budgets and evaluating campaign effectiveness?