Archive for February, 2013

Designing Games

Posted: February 28, 2013 in Games Development

Although I am not sure if it is around but Werner’s story about his friend mark got to me. being in a weaken state, lying in bed with nothing to do except wait for death. I am thinking of a basic concept that could be a big thing.

when finding out your going to leave this world you want to enjoy your favourite places once more. Such as go to france or go for a walk down to the park. So my invention is new development on augmented reality. that will allow you desired place come to you. a motion detector and a screen that follows your eyes and lets you look around.

the way to make this possible and to describe the product more, It will work like this. using a high resolution camera, getting footage of walking down the street. In the photo below this is what the area in the red box is what the user can see. if they move there eyes the red box moves. The aim is to give the user the feel that they are walking/driving down the street and can look around like they normally do. if this works it will give the user to the ability to see the world from there bed.

This week I am going to go and study…
a) has this idea been done
b) What technology for eye following is out there?
c) what patients would this be targeted at?
d) types of lens to make this idea better.

Defining Campaign Objectives
1) What are the campaign objectives, the nature and to what event is to be accomplished by the advertising?
2) Will/have the campaign objectives be feasible given the constraints of the time budget product and market factors?
3) Do the campaign objectives take into consideration factors which may affect consumer response?
4) Do the campaign objectives meet legal and ethical requirements?
Prepare an advertising budget
1) What resource requiremtns for the advertising campaign are assessed and specified?
2) Will/have the resource requirements for a range of media options be assessed and specified?
3) What resource requirements and production services for the campaign are assessed and specified?
4) Will/have the resources allocated to each component of the advertising campaign be justified and sufficient in relevant terms to achieve the campaign objectives?
5) Will/have the overall budget meet the requirements of the advertising brief?
Develop a schedule for the proposed advertising activities
1) what length and timing was confirmed from the advertising brief?
a) What service providers with the required expertise have been identified?
b) Have their cost and availability been negotiated?
a) Have the choice of service provider been based on merit and value for money?
b) Do they meet the legal and ethical requirements?
4) is the time allowed in the schedule allow to meet creative media and production requirements  sufficient enough to achieve the advertising objectives?
5) Does the schedule include milestones for monitoring progress and expenditure against budgets and evaluating campaign effectiveness?

So, I am creativity. How do you start it? It’s such a broad subject. After thinking and thinking about it I wanted to write about the most creative person I know of Leonardo da vinci. Someone whom believed science and art could be one.

But I wanted to compared him to modern day creative people, so we could see how we could improve our abilities. I asked these people 2 questions.
a) How do you get into a creative mood?
b) What does creativity mean to you?

The first person I spoke to was my good friend Brent Arnold. Because he just finished our course I think we could relate to him. He said..

“even if i don’t have an idea to start with. I like drawing, after effects tutorials, playing with music and they all tend to work together, say I make a song I like, then I have to go into Photoshop and make an image for the track art then I might use that song in after effects with something”

and about creativity he said “creativity is making something from “nothing”, nothing being everything you’ve ever experienced mixed into new things”

The next person I spoke to was Jodie Cooper and artist stationed in lysterfield. Because he job is sitting at home painting all day, I thought she would be a good person to hear from.

“find that my natural creative flow is the best. However if I feel a block in my flow, I look for things around me that make me feel relaxed such as music, aroma’s, chamomile tea, patting my cat, looking through books/photo albums etc. I try to find something for each of my senses. Once I’m relaxed, I then find going for a short walk will get my inspiration flowing ready to create.”

“Putting an inspired thought into action, whether it is in cooking, art, or even calming a manic household. 
As you know ‘Creativity’ comes in many forms.”

For the next part of this I watched a video about michael j. gelb,  he decided to go and find out about davinchi.
his 7 principles that he belived davinchi followed to be creative are